Sunday, June 24, 2007

distracting excitement

It's Sunday evening here in Oxford, New Zealand. My bedroom has been turned inside out as I prepare to pack my worldly posesions into a backpack for the next three months. One week from today I will be in South Africa. Between now and then I have more to do than time permits - yet here I am writing to the general public.

I'm so excited.

Who knew you could live so fully? I love what I do. My life is poured out for the better of others and it's more rewarding than I ever imagined - AND fun. Yes, I'm having the time of my life here! My passions for Jesus, world travel, new experiences, and developing people have all collided as I've chosen to follow God's will. Growing up I had no idea that the word 'missions' could have such depth and breath. Even so, I find it difficult to put that label on what I do. How do you sum up the beauty and adventure and challenge and reward that following God entails? It continues to blow my mind.